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EQT The Eiffel port of the QT library

-- Coming soon, will be posted in SmallEiffel mailing list --

EQT??? (Servum pecus)
Did you ever dream of compiling QT using gcc (or other suspicious perversion)? Well, this binding is perhaps for you. EQT is totally implemented from QT-X11-GPL sources provided by Trolltech. It intend to be a full featured Eiffel ToolKit for the SmallEiffel compiler.
Actual goal
Required environment (Trahit sua quemque voluptas)
Environment which is known to work is actually the development one: No extra library is needed. The X11 binding is based on the X11-Eiffel library from Stephane Hillion and has been included in the archive since it differs significantly from the original version. First, there are major changes in the hierarchy, next, many features that were not covered by the original binding are now present (Input / Output methods, XRM implementation ...), finally, many Xlib extensions are also implemented (MIT-SHM, Shape extension, ...).
Unicode implementation is based on the Unicode Database library from majkel Kretschmar. Regular expressions were taken in the EPCRE (Perl compatible regular expressions) library from Philip Hazel. Note however that Unicode implementation is currently work in progress, i try to make possible easy replacement of the base classes that it use by newly specifications (for example, insertion of Unicode strings in the SmallEiffel Kernel Library?).

Note that apart from the above needs, there is other low-level areas which are not yet covered. As an example, EQT currently work with True-Color displays but has not been tested with others. I did not this work, because i am mainly taken with other parts of the library, but, this has to be considered as a once work.
Contact (Quot capita, tot sensus)
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